MANGA MONSTERS! A Giant Robot Battle Suit flies to the rescue as Tokyo is attacked by a 500 foot Demon! With a swift power punch the armored superhuman renders the demons face amorphous but can he stop all the other monstrosities which have since arisen? Crazy Electronic Monkeys, Japanese Men in Dragon suits and a Magic Tokyo Goth Girl have smashed through the metropolis! And worse still there are numerous strange and unseen foes hidden in every dark corner!
Underneath the city streets lies a world of genetic corruption where disgruntled former members of society lurk practicing strange scientific religions. The under-dwellers have begun a werewolf like transformation turning themselves into half cat half human creatures of the night! Taking to the worst characteristics of each species the unusual society has become as wild and physically aggressive as the feline but has spiteful and ambitious as man. The most horrific activities are occurring in the underground as the creatures kidnap CEO’s and dress them as mice. Beware the Cult of the Cat is growing, ravenous and diabolically plotting with infinite intentions towards a new darker age!
In addition to the terrors ensuing both above and below yet another odd force is threatening Tokyo! Most of us have been aware and are prepared for an outer-space invasion but few of us every thought about a cyber space attack. However the truth is that the aliens that we’d envisioned are not up in the stars but rather living inside of our homes! An entire planet exists inside of the circuitry with wireless communities, cable free ways and electric communications. Unfortunately our ignorance may be our undoing because we have been consistently bombarding that universe without ever realizing it. All of our uploads, our emails, photos and worst of all our comment posts have been destroying a civilization not entirely unlike our own. Our telepathic pollution has created a radiated cyber space and the beings that inhabited it have had enough. They have mobilized and are invading and we’ve made it quite easy for they can attack and destroy us every time we go online!
These crazy MANGA MONSTER drawings were inspired by my love of Japanese comics, cartoons, and films. These drawings were all 18 x 24 inches and done with pen and ink on paper. Also see check out the comic book pages
MANGA MONSTERS LINE ART Extremely Detailed Surreal City Comic Illustration |
FREE ONLINE COMICS A collection of weird webcomics short stories and illustrated nightmares |