The MAD SCIENTIST After a long and prosperous career in pharmaceuticals the nameless ageing doctor finally found himself in the proper position to pursue his private research. It was as a young upstart that he first took interest in what he called “replacement theory”, a nihilistic notion that no matter what changes might occur in any environment or situation the necessary substitutions would naturally occur elsewhere effectually nullifying all advancements. In other words the scientist believed that any attempts to change the world were essentially useless in light of the predetermined life cycle and cosmic interrelationships which exist between all matter and energy. It was both his interest in recombining elements and his disbelief in results that sent him to the top of the medical field. Now the head of a major company he could leave the day to day foils of the production and distribution to his underlings and as free to push his “replacement theories” to far greater heights.
He purchased an ancient European castle and had it transported brick by brick to a secluded island location less than an hour from the big city. Once the structure had been completed the interiors were filled with laboratories and the most advanced equipment. He had all sorts of speciality equipment ranging from microbiology to prosthetic cybernetics. At first he visited the lab only on weekends and holidays but left many computers working away there full time. Once certain astronomical equations had been calculated by the machines he announced a false illness and presented his lab in the city with a suitable replacement. Having the ground work prepared by the computers the mad scientist was ready to get his hands dirty with the physical work.
Choosing his top two assistants for full time residence the group left for the castle to begin their weird experiments. The assistants were swift, intelligent and ruthless but entirely loyal to their master in every respect. They not only believed in his experimental theories but they had come up with similar ideas on their own before sharing the theories with each other or the professor. The three shared a kindred lunatic interest very seldom seen in this world. So rare was this camaraderie that it would more than likely have been impossible to find anywhere else had the assistants not been twins. The experiments begin on the most miniscule scale, manipulating petri dishes by means of replacements but things quickly accelerated and before long the team had recreated a man...